
Posts Tagged ‘Dredile Rock’

What This Jew Does On Christmas Eve In Toronto

December 24, 2011 Leave a comment

chinese restaurant note thanks Jews for eating on christmas

Yes, this year it happens to be that it is still Hanukkah but we don’t have massive meals with the whole family and tons of celebrations every night for 8 nights during Hanukkah. As well, Hanukkah doesn’t usually happen to coincide with Christmas (although they are usually pretty close to each other).

There is this video that has been around and on YouTube since 2007 called “Chinese Food On Christmas.” It is somewhat of a stereotype that Jews go to the movies and eat Chinese food on Christmas but there is a lot of truth to it…what the heck else are we supposed to do after all? The above picture has been floating around the internet I am told for quite a while but the stereotype is totally true simply because unless we want to go to Kosher restaurants Chinese places are pretty much the only places open to get food on Christmas, that and movie theaters. To be fair, this is changing as more and more of the population are not Christian or not that interested in practicing and spending time doing huge family meals. I don’t judge other people’s religions because I appreciate it if no one judges me with mine (or lack thereof).

You already know that I stocked up on books to read this holiday season but even that wears thin after a couple of hours. Truth be told, there is something else Jews (and those who don’t celebrate Christmas) can do on Christmas Eve in major cities: PARTY! In a lot of cities with large Jewish populations they have a yearly “Matzoball” which is in its 23rd year here in Toronto. Because Toronto has enough people interested in going out on Christmas Eve there is also another event referred to as Dreidle Rock which is in its 10th year. Read more…