Home > Contemplations > #PepsiThrowback Party Toronto By @PepsiCanada & @CasieStewart

#PepsiThrowback Party Toronto By @PepsiCanada & @CasieStewart

Last night at Revival on College in Toronto I attended one heck of a cool event called the #PepsiThrowback Party. The whole theme of the party was the 1980s because Pepsi recently re-released a product called Pepsi Throwback. The party was hosted by the one and only Casie Stewart http://www.casiestewart.com who I need to give a serious shoutout to for hardcore hooking everyone on the Twitter up to attend this event.

I have mentioned this product before when it was released for a brief 6 week period in February and March. According to literature supplied by Pepsi to its Throwback Party attendees the product was so popular they’ve decided to bring it back again through June and July in Canada.

In case you’re wondering what is up with the 1980s theme it is because the Pepsi Throwback product is made in the same way that Pepsi used to be made up until the 1980s; with more hints of vanilla and caramel and using REAL SUGAR. Yes, that’s right, nowadays they do not use real sugar in Pepsi and most other sodas in Canada & the USA because “high fructose corn syrup” is way cheaper.

When we got into the party we got two drink tickets courtesy of Pepsi which was pretty cool…who doesn’t like free drinks? They also had a very special photobooth with a green screen behind it. I took a picture of some of the attendees having their picture taken in the photobooth and then later I took one of these photobooth pictures with my friend Reggy aka @fragileheart. The result is below after the Pepsi folks did some PhotoShop magic to the picture. When they were done the picture became a Weekend At Bernie’s picture as seen below.

In my opinion Reggy look as if she is right out of a John Hughes movie. She actually won an awesome prize of $100 at H&M for the amazingness of her 80s look.

The event was complete with a 1980s band, The Spoons, who put on a small show for our benefit and then on our way out we all got some awesome swag from Pepsi! Before I left, and aside from the swag bag, I also managed to snag a 12 pack case (OK, you caught me, two cases) of Pepsi Throwback cans

Everyone who went got one of these swag bags including a “Pin Art” aka “Pinscreen” aka “PinPressions” aka “Pinhead” which I did not know the name for until I looked it up in Wikipedia. They also had a Pepsi branded yo-yo and the swag bag itself is a cooler bag – in my opinion so much more useful than the eco-friendly cloth bags EVERYWHERE seems to be giving out these days. Originality is always good, in my opinion.

  1. June 2, 2011 at 12:25 am

    Thanks so much Dan! 🙂 Great recap of the event!

    • June 2, 2011 at 6:08 pm

      Thanks very much. I am glad you enjoyed my recap.

  2. June 2, 2011 at 12:26 am

    It was fun! Nice meeting you Dan.

    • June 2, 2011 at 6:09 pm

      Right back atcha good sir. Great talk!!! We’ll need to so it again sometime soon.

  3. July 14, 2011 at 5:49 pm

    Keep selling Pepsi Throwback,BUT THE SUGGESTI have for Pepsi
    to take the blue labelled Pepsi off the market.
    the Pepsi Throwback is so much better.
    they should put the Pepsi Throwback in vending machines
    and fountains as well too.
    And start selling it in Geocery stores as well too

  4. June 25, 2013 at 4:59 pm

    I love your 80’s look! Sounds like it was a great party!

    • June 25, 2013 at 9:30 pm

      Indeed it was! Thanks for the appreciation of my 80’s mullet wig, haha!

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